12:08 am
good morning
12:10 am
12:11 am
12:12 am
12:12 am
it doesn't look difficult
12:13 am
ya, definitely straight forward
12:34 am
done, definitely easier than yesterday's and didn't' need any marks to complete
1:04 am
hi leslie_ann
1:04 am
hi jerkface
2:13 am
Quite a leap, from yesterday's to this one!
4:53 am
had a bit of a thick day took too long to do that easy
8:01 am
hi all
9:08 am
that was easy finish
10:28 am
I must be the only one having problems... and thinking yesterday's was a breeze :/
10:57 am
Yo all people in Sudoku Land!
10:58 am
Hello... Apparently we're not very talkative this morning
10:58 am
Try using the keyboard.
10:59 am
Try using the keyboard.
10:59 am
stupid computers
10:59 am
stupid computers
11:00 am
gee whiz, that a nightmare with this server!
11:19 am
Nailed that puppy!
11:19 am
Rank me, baby!
11:19 am
No green or red
11:19 am
Cue theme music!
12:20 pm
wow, that was nice and brainless. even better after yesterday's puzzle.
2:46 pm
and they're off! it's helen in the lead by two lengths...
2:48 pm
hi hursh
2:48 pm
fortnum and masons is a fancy carpeted grocery store with chandeliers and glass cases
2:49 pm
ahhh - you read & you remembered, thanks - i really, really like their tea - black & strong & flavorful!
2:49 pm
they have many many different teas
2:49 pm
probably expensive too
2:49 pm
atalante bought some whilst we were there
2:50 pm
she has good taste :)
2:50 pm
it was jasmine, for a friend.
2:50 pm
i guess a lot of americans get tea from fortnum and masons through friends :)
2:51 pm
i will go look at the kind i have - the good thing is it seems to last a really long time - so strong, don't need to use so much
2:51 pm
i tend to drink fruity herbal teas
2:53 pm
i guess i'm just fruity
2:53 pm
and done!
2:53 pm
lol - brb
2:53 pm
even with me distracting you
2:54 pm
that's very good.
2:56 pm
well compared to yesterday's - a snap
2:58 pm
the tea i drink is called royal blend - blend of indian & ceylon teas, huh, i guess they don't want to tell too much
2:58 pm
still, it makes me feel i need to hone my distraction skills.
2:58 pm
LOL - okay - you can put them to practice over at babble :) wait,
2:59 pm
nah, there are PLENTY of people to distract you there :)
2:59 pm
i read part of your conversation with babbler yesterday & not ever having met you personally, the personality you project through cyberspace makes me think
2:59 pm
off the cuff,
3:00 pm
that jobs that may suit both your personality & your skills are:
3:02 pm
*holding breath*
3:02 pm
writer - really, i think in any area you care about, you would excel, because you have excellent verbal skills & are exhaustably knowlegeable - which leads me to my other suggestion:
3:04 pm
lab researcher - such as you find in doctoral or post-doc studies - again, whatever area you find interesting, i think you would do well, because you are concerned with correctness & exactness - these things are important to you & also crucial to good research - i'm thinking maybe
3:05 pm
oh, well, hmm, the trouble is i don't know what i would find interesting enough to do all the time. i do like to write, but have not had much success when i've tried to submit some pieces.
3:06 pm
& i'm not really sure why this comes to mind when i think about you - i don't know that you've ever displayed any indication these areas are of particular interest to you, not that i recall - but something in the way of biological sciences or medicine - maybe that's just my desire coming through because i think these areas are the most important for the 'good of mankind'
3:07 pm
okay - let's take one at a time - what kind of pieces have you submitted? and where?
3:07 pm
no i'm not crazy about science. i majored in psych, i find that reasonably interesting.
3:08 pm
well i've had one piece published, it was joint authorship although i wrote the main draft, it was about a point of greek translation in first corinthians...
3:09 pm
i tried to publish an essay about forgiveness but couldn't really find the right venue for it i guess...
3:10 pm
the main thing is, whether it's publishing stuff or just applying for jobs, i submit info and then i never hear back from people
3:10 pm
i seem to have a black hole thing going on
3:11 pm
while you answer that - i will tell you another reason either of these two areas may be good for you - that is they are both more or less solitary pursuits, which i think may suit you better because then you don't have to put up, tolerate, dealing with too many other people. i think you have a fantastic ability to be singleminded & really exhaust a point of interest, in other words, you are not the 'jack of all trades' type, you strike me more as wanting/needing to be master of whatever is on your plate
3:12 pm
i don't want to be too solitary though. i don't want to be a salesperson or anything, obviously, but i do like to work with people.
3:12 pm
and usuallly people like you tend to have difficulty in large/medium & sometimes small group settings, because too much time is spent on getting everyone 'up to speed', that would be 'your speed'
3:13 pm
unless of course, you truly enjoy teaching & find it rewarding enough to be able to dedicate the majority of your time too - however i suspect . . .
3:14 pm
i tried... i noticed there was a new learning center in town and i went in and told the guy i was interested in doing some tutoring this summer and about what i could do and he seemed really interested and told me to send him my resume, so i did, and i would be a really ideal person for that i think, but i never heard back. i dunno if it's because then i had to tell him i'd be away in europe for 5 weeks or what. but i just don't get it, why couldn't he at least reply and say, oh, sorry, we can't use you?
3:14 pm
that unless you teach on an advanced level (i'm talking phd here) sooner, rather than later, you would become bored going over the same stuff again & again because you are a very curious individual
3:15 pm
i think you think i'm curiouser than i am, maybe. or maybe my curiosity is satisfied in seeing different students and their different natures, how their minds work and how their personalities are all so different
3:16 pm
lol - please don't forget that not having met you face to face really puts me at a huge disadvantage, so i may be totally off on everything i am saying, BUT, i must say, that, again, off the cuff, i think you would completely suck at being a salesperson - i just can't see you getting anything rewarding from that line of work
3:17 pm
but actually, the jack of all trades thing...combining that with the curiosity question... i am moderately interested in a lot of things but not passionately interested in anything.
3:17 pm
i am a lukewarm renaissance woman.
3:17 pm
yes, i definitely would suck at sales. this is clear.
3:18 pm
ah, same problem i have - the not passionately interested in anything part
3:19 pm
huh, interesting, psych, huh, how come you didn't pursue it?
3:19 pm
maybe there just aren't that many people who are truly passionate about anything
3:19 pm
i majored in psych because it was interesting and easy. i didn't pursue it because...well...i just didn't know if i wanted to.
3:21 pm
i didn't really feel like doing intensive study on anything. i MIGHT find law school interesting, but how do you know if you haven't been?
3:22 pm
no hursh - i disagree, i think most all people have the capacity to be passionate about SOMETHING - however, i believe the problem is that most of us do not get adequate exposure combined with encouragement & opportunity, at the exact time/place we need it - kind of like pushing your boat off the shore & catching a really good current - sometimes the wind is there & sometimes it isn't; sometimes the season is right - like spring, with run-off, making for high water- or the season is wrong, like winter, with patches of ice blocking your way down the stream
3:23 pm
well. at this point, i think, i expect my life to be... not amazingly wonderful, just hopefully not too bad. and if it turns out better, then, ok.
3:24 pm
i don't think i'm the kind of person that things go right for.
3:25 pm
OMG hursh - law?!?!?! unless you are going to take the academic approach there, i just can't see you practicing law - one of my best friends is a lawyer - she used to have her own practice, i did her a favor & filled in for her secretary when she had to take an extended leave &
3:26 pm
i found, in all seriousness, that her clients were crazier, or, no, over all i would stick with that - her clients were crazier than mine!
3:27 pm
i probably wouldn't do it anyway, it's a lot of debt to go into for something you're not totally sure you want to do!
3:27 pm
i don't think you would like practicing law - really, you want to deal with constant contention?
3:27 pm
i dunno, it just seems so interesting on law and order.
3:28 pm
or "laranawda" as they say it in rhode island.
3:31 pm
okay - back up here sister - two things are jumping out at me - one is the statement you made about things not going right for you - positive mental attitude REALLY is important, which leads me to the $$$ thing - don't let that deter you - and don't let it drive you crazy, you will make money, unless you are born wealthy, we all have to do that, so it's a given: you will work, you will make money, & you will pay off whatever debt you incur - loaners, esp. those who loan money to students are going to bend over backwards to make a good payment schedule for you, that's because they get so many defaults
3:32 pm
honestly though, the fact that people just don't reply is a HUGE discouraging factor to me. i think i could handle rejection, if people actually emailed and said, "sorry but no", but to just never hear anything... it just... takes the wind out of my sails.
3:33 pm
for some people it takes actual work -in the head work- to maintain an optimistic outlook - attitude can leak out in all kinds of ways, if you don't watch out
3:33 pm
well i was very optimistic and confident when i went in to see that guy at the learning center and when i sent him my resume, i was feeling really good at the time
3:34 pm
i thought i would email him again when i got back from europe, but i haven't cause i'm like, "ok, take a hint".
3:35 pm
okay - you have to remember, when it comes to submitting written stuff - it's alot of foot in the door - so this, what you're sealing with, the not getting responses is pretty par for the course, unless you have an established relationship - you ought to look at that as your goal, not so much as getting the piece published, but getting to 1st base - just meeting someone who can do somethign for you - there's a tremendous amount of competition
3:35 pm
3:36 pm
why would someone seem all interested, tell you they'd probably have work for you, ask you to send your resume, and then when you do, never reply at all???
3:36 pm
you MUST follow up, always follow up
3:37 pm
and make it as easy as possible for whoever you are submitting whatever to, to get back to you - enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelopes with your submittals, you can also run a footer (or header) with your basic stats - name, address, phone - never hesititate to call & follow up
3:40 pm
ok but for this guy it WAS easy, i emailed with attached resume. i emailed again about my availablility dates. he never emailed back at all.
3:40 pm
however, i am going to email him again now. can't hurt, right?
3:41 pm
hurshy - there are tons of reasons why someone might not reply - why are making yourself crazy over that? - first, i'll say this, if i were looking to hire someone for the summer, uh, duh, yeah, the fact that you are going to miss 1/3 of it would impact my decision - in those 6 weeks, this guy could have simply misplaced your resume, esp. if he's overworked, the place is new, he is hiring/training other people, paying his business bills, doing billing for his business, dealing with parents, dealing with student who probably would rather be swimming, etc -there's a ton of reasons why he didn't get back to you - i believe the one you are afraid of - that he didn't like you for some reason/or think you weren't going to work out - well, i bet you that one is way down at the bottom of the list, if it's even on the list!
3:43 pm
oh, okay - you didn't give him anything tangible - e-mails are a snap to delete, if you are rushed it's hugely possible to delete things you don't mean to & never realize it until it's too late - NO, OF COURSE, IT CAN'T HURT!!! IT CAN ONLY HELP YOUR CAUSE - oh, &
3:43 pm
you may want to joy a little something about how now that you are so well traveled, you are even smarter than you were before!
3:44 pm
no not joy *add*
3:45 pm
& when i said 'run your stats' on a footer, i literally meant on every page of your manuscript - people lose things all the time
3:45 pm
ok i just emailed him
3:45 pm
i know an e-resume isn't tangible, but it's what he'd asked me to do...
3:46 pm
funny, you hesitating about being persistant - that does not sound like the hurshy i've gotten to know
3:46 pm
i am an odd and contradictory creature
3:47 pm
yes - it is good to follow directions - if he doesn't respond to your e-mail, give him a call
3:47 pm
LOL - yep, that you are!
3:47 pm
Yeah, no arguement there! *grin*
3:47 pm
what if they fired the guy i spoke to since then? sigh. i hope they haven't.
3:47 pm
ooh limer!
3:48 pm
Hey beautiful sudokuer!
3:48 pm
*blush* don't judge a girl by her cat... marty is much better looking than i
3:48 pm
did you ever take one of those interest-matching tests? the kind where you say i like to gamble - t or f, & then you get matched to a group with similar interests?
3:49 pm
I love cats. I live next to a grain elevator. Lots of vermin.
3:49 pm
mmm, i can't remember, i've taken so many different kinds of tests
3:49 pm
Do blood tests count?
3:50 pm
well, i've taken 'em
3:50 pm
hurshy - if you are truly whole-heartedly interested in working there, comb your hair & get your butt over there, resume in hand - this tells people you are serious & you are one step ahead of those that only e-mailed
3:50 pm
i REALLY don't want to shut down the computer, i have 17 windows open but... ACK gotta go bye!
3:50 pm
bye hursh - gl
3:50 pm
ps - i will send you my bill :)
3:51 pm
MY advice is free.
3:51 pm
i'm going to babble - that there was just like a regular 50 minutes session, :)
3:52 pm
i guess my advice is free now too :) bye
8:53 pm
yay, no marking today :D
8:53 pm
It was a super easy one
10:26 pm
My god I suck
10:26 pm
New to sudoku
11:47 pm
Hang in there, Emry.