12:14 am
done. ugh.
12:18 am
Done. 2 wrong guesses.
12:47 am
Difficulty score 63. No green.
1:00 am
Phil: I've always thought laws against suicide are silly. But when you start talking about a right to die you open a can of worms. You most likely want to make physician assisted suicide legal, and force life insurance to cover suicide. Neither of those ideas seem very good to me.
7:02 am
quit for now.
7:41 am
drwho: forget our previoius discussions. I need your help. Got a new computer, and can't get autofill to work. When I made a bookmark, it did strip "javascript", which I typed back in. Still won't work ;(. I'm using Chrome (I checked security settings, and javascript is allowed). Thoughts?
7:50 am
Morning. Go.
7:59 am
Done. NG. EZPZ.
8:59 am
Many life insurance policies will pay out to beneficiaries after a suicide as long as the insured has been insured for a set period of time.
9:03 am
Physician assisted suicide is a much more "humane" way of a person ending their life. People who are unable through paralysis, intense chronic physical or mental pain, or any other reason who no longer wish to go on should have the right to end their life on their own terms.
9:08 am
As a matter of fact, even though they do not call it "assisted suicide"... It has been my experience with my Father and a close elderly family friend that end of life "palliative care" is no different than "assisted suicide" The patient has agreed to no longer stay alive through medical means with the exception of pain medication to "soothe" the way. The only difference in my mind is suicide is faster than palliative care.
9:29 am
Once again the taboo against suicide is a moral issue that has arisen through the "kosher" laws of various religious dogma meant to increase the flock.
1:07 pm
Just to clarify. I do not think that abortion or suicide are wonderful life choices. They are devastating and difficult. To those making the choices and those that care about them. But they are choices that only those confronted with that choice have available and free from judgement by others.
1:10 pm
should have available and free etc
1:51 pm
free from judgment? so I must like it. Yeah that's fair
2:22 pm
Tuco, I agree. Only those who are living through it are close enough to the situation to make the decisions. It is heartwrenching and difficult and complex and personal. There are no easy answers, and often we question if they're the right answers - never black or white, always some shade of grey.
6:50 pm
No one said anyone must like it. I am pro choice but I hate abortion. I will not judge anyone who chooses to have one. I hate war but unfortunately some people are forced to die in them. Nobody is talking about making war illegal.
6:56 pm
Suicide has been used as the ultimate anti-war protest. Flaming Monks. It is ironic how societies have made non-procreative behavior illegal (birth control, homosexuality, abortion) and yet wage war and genocide with the people they are supposed to be "protecting"
6:59 pm
If you also look back at the organizing of Coal Miners very few strikes ended without someone being killed. A pound of flesh for an ounce of scrip. Death is the only certainty of life. It has been used and cashed in on in every conceivable way.
7:00 pm
:-) Join the IWW ;-)
10:04 pm
Tuco: the problem with assisted suicide is it could become big business! It's a road I don't want to go down.
10:05 pm
Diane: are you trying to enter the auto-green script in the URL field of the browser, or have you tried making a bookmark with it? I think the bookmark method will work.
10:13 pm
B.T.W. Diane: I hope you don't think I am mad at you, I just decided to stop arguing.
10:30 pm
I have not participated in the lively discussion here much for the last 2 weeks because they have been a very taxing period of my life. But once the IRS has been appeased I will be back :).
10:53 pm
Hate to say it but first expert ever without greens and in 9 minutes. I suspect it wasn''t think me cognitive skills have made the sudden leap into genius.
10:58 pm
No decision that affects a life can ever be easy and without agony and anguish for those who are affected. With such tragedies of suicide in a young person, what possible justification to make it illegal? A tortured soul maybe medical pain or mental pain, both need to be understood and assistance offered.