chat prefs...
12:12 am
The coop is no cheaper than any other source. Prices are regulated in Minnesota. Besides, there is only one electric company I can hook up to.
12:16 am
The founders of this country were conservative. They roundly rejected the political philosophy you embrace. Yes, it was around then. It was responsible for the French Revolution. Our country on the other hand has made more people free and wealthy than any other country in history. B.T.W. freedom and wealth are inextricably linked.
12:20 am
Your political philosophy is responsible for the Holocaust, the Gulag, Mao and the party purges, the killing fields of Cambodia, a bloody revolution in Cuba and the list could go on.
12:21 am
. . . It's past your bedtime, drwho
12:37 am
Difficulty score 17.
7:20 am
I am utterly appalled at the ignorance (intentional or otherwise) demonstrated recently here by drwho and his allies. Tuco's philosophy responsible for the holocaust? I think not. Indeed, Trump's philosophy (I will do it alone) is FAR closer.
7:21 am
Global warming changed to climate change years ago, in recognition that the issue wasn't only about warming, but weather events and other issues.
7:23 am
drwho claims to be technology proficient, but rejects that Y2K was an issue? He must be a newcomer. For those companies that were operating fortran-based software, it was a real issue that took significant remediation.
7:24 am
To suggest that knives are as deadly as guns simply ignores all data. If the CDC were permitted to collect data, it would be even clearer.
7:27 am
"I don't think anyone is denying climate change. We are just amused that you think it is a threat . . ." No threat????? Incredible. How much sand do you have to put your head in? Or do you put it someplace else that the sun don't shine?
7:29 am
I love nothing more than a debate among people who choose to educate themselves. Debate with people who base opinions on propaganda simply isn't challenging, and is very sad.
8:37 am
"Debate with people who base opinions on propaganda simply isn't challenging"
"No threat????? Incredible. How much sand do you have to put your head in?"
You breathe propaganda, which is why it's pointless to debate with you.
9:55 am
Easy. 12.
10:01 am
Diane, you mistake Trump's style for a philosophy. He doesn't have any philosophy that anybody can describe. It's certainly not obvious that he ascribes to National Socialism. Where did you get that idea?
2:05 pm
How can Democrats ignore the decades of willful criminal and treasonous behavior of their candidate or her husband? It's not like it's been any big secret, and I couldn't care less about Trump. I think his intentions could be honorable but it's doubtful he'll be any more effective than Jimmy Carter was in his time, for the Republicans are no better. If Trump wins he will encounter opposition within every agency, or else both parties will find a way to expunge him. The TPP is about re-taking control of all global communion and intracountry trade, and adding 100 to 150% to the sales price of internet purchases just for the privilege of doing business. The money brokers have lost too much since the shift away from bricks and mortar retail outlets. What's truly sad was learning the depth of the corruption, and that the MSM is 100% owned by the Clintons. There no longer is a fourth estate. We now live in a neofeudal corporatocracy, and today politics is in the business of perpetuating it.
2:20 pm
And this is what really befuddles me:
2:20 pm
We will not ban a religion, we will work with all Americans and allies to fight and defeat terrorism.â€
2:23 pm
Muslims have zero respect for women's rights and practice "honor" killing. Please explain why any women in the US support this ideology?
2:24 pm
That's HRC in a nutshell.
4:42 pm
How can Democrats ignore the decades of willful criminal and treasonous behavior of their candidate
4:43 pm
because in this country, you are innocent until proven guilty, in a court of law; and as a Christian, I dare not bear false witness.
4:50 pm
"willful criminal and treasonous behavior". Propaganda effectively (if unethically) spread by right wing media. No proof. Millions and millions of dollars invested in attacking (all taxpayer money, I might add) with nothing to show for it. Because there's nothing there. But people believe what they want to believe. Why, I don't have a clue.
5:08 pm
diane, it think we agree, I was trying to quote and accidentally posted to quickly
5:18 pm
lonibelle - ;)
7:47 pm
Diane, you offer no proof while demanding same. I'm not interested in trading put-downs. there's plenty of history available and hundreds of witnesses, starting with the twenty-one families who were screwed out of their life savings by the Rose Law Firm in the Whitewater retirement deal. Then the Savings and Loan bankruptcy, the Chinese lobbyist staying in the Lincoln Bedroom technology swap, the quid pro quo pardons, ... It's all documented in the MSM and it's endless. And these are just the ones we know about for sure. Now the latest the Clinton Cash video with Bill & Hill and names dates while she was Sec of State again all documented. Incredible. Denial is a river in Africa. How fitting the latest involves Africans.
11:27 pm
jacket YOU have to offer proof. Innocent until PROVEN guilty. Ken Starr (a Republican) Trey Gowdy (a Republican) and James Comey (a Republican) all could only list her mistakes and failings, not one of them could ever produce enough evidence to come close to a prosecution. Therfore, by the law of the land, she is innocent. all else is innuendo. Frankly, I doubt any politician could withstand the scrutiny she has been under for the last 3 decades and not be found to have made mistakes. Now, if you want to go live in a country where you have to prove your innocence, be my guest. I prefer to follow Anglo-American law "The proof lies upon him who affirms, not upon him who denies; since, by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof."[
11:37 pm
The person I am voting for:
In addition to having the world's longest single web page, he
also loves the apostrophe with a passion.