8:43 am
Saturday's was a beast - three levels of guesses needed
11:55 am
g/ng - chain of pairs that leads to contradiction; does that have a name?
2:44 pm
Laxative, maybe? Or is that eating chains of pears to relieve constipation?
4:37 pm
@Tuco: interesting link if only for his reference to a paper proving that a minimum of 17 clues are required for a proper 9x9 sudoku puzzle.
5:29 pm
Concerning the minimum clues problem:
“If you can figure it out, you will be a rock star in the universe of people who care about such things. Granted, that is a far smaller universe than the one full of people who care about actual rock stars, but still, it would be great.â€
Taking Sudoku Seriously, Rosenhouse & Taalman