chat prefs...
1:44 am
Excellent leadership in challenging times by President Trump! I love how he has put teams together who are competent and understand the importance of commitment to finalizing solutions!! Trump 2020!!
2:55 am
I managed to watch 2 whole minutes of his self congratulatory speech yesterday, before feeling sick to my stomach. I feel deeply sorry for US citizens. I think Mr Trump's excellent leadership is going to lead to the biggest % per capita death toll in any “developed†nation. I have many American friends, I fear more for their lives than my own. I haven’t left my house for 2 weeks other than to go for walks in the countryside on dry days.
3:22 am
I will refrain from being political, well I'll try to. So how did you all enjoy one week of Aussie Rules football without the crowds! All canned now, but it seemed a lot of new fans of the game will like us, have to watch reruns.
6:57 am
Last week at least four scientific articles about (small scale) tests with choloroquine appeared - from countries such as France, China and Australia. I cannot find anything about Korea. The drug itself is toxic so there is a search for less toxic variants such as Hydroxychloroquine (see:\n56-0).
Several larger scale tests have been announced and started. So there is no "hiding" of information IMO.
8:26 am
If you're interested in getting unbiased info, here's the link. You'll notice China, where the outbreak started, with the highest infection rates, has followed the typical flu outbreak pattern which is a 6-8 week rise and fall of infection rates.
8:26 am
8:30 am
The other item to look at is the TYPICAL influenza seasonal numbers. What you'll see is there is little difference between these numbers and the "new flu". In fact, what is failed to appear in the mentions on "social media" and "?news?" is the impact from each of the flu outbreaks which happend in the past two decades. Why? Because in the case of N1H1, Sars(derivatives) the contacted and death rates are pretty significant. Up to 300 deaths PER DAY...C-19 numbers, after 5 weeks in the US??? 340 TOTAL.
8:41 am
MY TAKE: There is no question the evidence of a new strain is real. The question has to be asked "Is it significantly worse than the worst influ season?" The answer (to date) is no. So what's happening. Over the past 100 years, the pattern of a "social disrupting" event has been one event every 7 to 11 years; S&L collapse in 1985, internet launch in 1994, Y2K/DotCom bubble in 2000/2002, then the LAST EVENT...CMO Debt in 2008. Interspersed among these have been AIDs, Ebola, Sars(variantes) Swine/Bird flu, N1H1, and others (all equally disruptive as C19). The "shut down" of America at a time of high employment, booming econ, rising incomes, record biz profits and the lowest interest rates in 30 years has allow the Govt to make a "soft reset" to the economy. Putting all businesses on "hold" means NO REVENUE for 2 months, but not because of reduced spending by consumers. But rather, as a mandate to alter the ELEVEN YEAR upswing in economic activity. The soft reset has impacted all areas of the econ, particularly devastating to workers who have been mandated NO INCOME or reduced income or laid off...By mandate NOT changes in the econ conditions. The typical flu season ends or heavily declines in May, always! So the script fits here as well. That is approx 6 weeks what happens between now and then..
8:44 am
Follow the money. Tests are being offered "for free!" No, they cost money. So I would anticiapte with a paltry 150,000 test conducted to date, over the next two weeks there will be a mandated testing edict. At 100 per test, what would be the new rev generated for say...50mil new test, paid by the who? Big pharma. a nice 5Bil in the coffers of J&J, Scripts, Pizer, etc. Then add on all the "support network" resources being poured into the execution of the testing, med facilities, etc.
8:51 am
The final piece is interesting. What has been the effect of social media on the direct face to face human contact? What has the effect been on the acceleration of and proliferation of hype, false information? What would happen to the fear rates if an already disconnected society, was further disconnected in a time when conversations were conducted thru a nameless, faceless, facade such as social media? Yep, you got it: "The Covid 19 Pandemic!". You may challenge my thoughts, which works for me. I would suggest anyone who wants to maintain their independent thought capacity be diligent about getting your OWN information, and putting your logical process into gear by asking the questions, and when the answers come test them against your experience and intuitive not let hypergenerated information which has no filter by your logic, to skew your thinking
8:58 am
Enjoy your weekend! By the way, after every one of the events listed, what happened? Yep, a bigger rebound than before the event occured in nearly all areas of the wide. Will it happen again? YOU BET. Society is built on the economic engine of supply and demand and the nature of price being higher than cost. It MUST occur; profits must happen. And they will. That is the fuel in the engine of the worlds econ system. Now is no different...and on July 4th 2020, it will be true then too!
8:58 am
Enjoy your weekend.
9:00 am
I needed to close with this. Be smart, take care of your self, don't kiss your neighbor, make sure your grandparents are safe, have food and take precautions. Human life is priceless...all life!
10:43 am
11:20 am
EZPZ fast clicker, except for a little bit of slowdlown. 10.